Seirei No Moribito

>> Nov 4, 2007

This is one of the better anime's i have seen this year. I must admit i am normally hooked to historical themed animes.

The title is Seirei No Moribito- or Guardian of the Sacred Spirit. The story starts of with Balsa who is a travelling spearwoman. She is no damsel in distress, this woman. She can fight off any man and defend herself with no issues.

On her way back from her journeys, she rescues a young prince call Chagum. To thank her, Chagum's mother the second empress invites Balsa to the palace as a token of her appreciation. However, unknown to Balsa, there is a hidden motive for that. Chagum, is actually wanted dead by the emperor. Believed by the star diviner's his birth brings misfortune to the country, the King of Yogo sees that it is only fit to kill the young boy to free the country from potential drought.

However, the 2nd Empress loves her son too much and cannot bear to kill him. Hence when Balsa rescues him, she sees this as a chance to free her son from death. Balsa, and little Chagum runs away and hides from the forces of the emperor. They later find out instead of being a harbinger of doom, Chagum carries the salvation to the country- the much needed rainfall for the kingdom is found within Chagum and he must bring it to the legendary Nahji for the rains to come.

Chagum is not as spoilt as Balsa initially thought he would be but he is indeed a prince fit to be an emperor. Balsa discovers that this small child has an amazing ability to rationalize and also make mature decisions at such a young age. She in turn, teaches him life outside the palace and slowly sees her self as a mother figure for the young prince.

Now, the graphics of this anime is astounding, it looks beautiful and also very realistic. The story line is quite good. It keeps you addicted and you can watch it without so much as stopping. The soundtrack of this show is also good. I am quite stuck on the song Nahji no Uta which is a children's nursery from what i understand in the anime.

Do get this if you are interested in historical animes. Picture above is taken from the Official website.


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